

Threadlift : Anti-aging

New way of facial lifting and tightening without surgery. Using thread methods to pull up and give support to loose ageing skin. Treatment area includes: under eye, cheek, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, jawlines and neck area.
PDO Mono Thread

When PDO thread is inserted into the skin it stimulates our collagen and elastin production, overtime it can give skin rejuvenated, firming and tightened look. Helps to refine finelines and ageing. This type of thread is great for skin firming and smoothing overall skin texture.
ScrewCog Thread

ScrewCog is a new type of thread that can give skin that extra support and pull. It helps prevent the affect of gravitational sagging and ageing skin. With the barb wire wrapped outside the needle, it provides powerful strength and lifting performance to address various ageing skin issues.
Paring the different threads

Combining the two type of thread can give that extra synergy effect and give an outstanding performance. Screwcog can give lifting supporting effect and PDO mono can improve overall skin texture and tightening.

How it works

Procedure Guide

01 Cleansing


02 Numbing (no numbing needed for 3DMIRACL treatments)


03 Treatment


03 Cooling Mask


Aftercare Guide


Avoid washing the treatment area, or getting it wet. In areas where there is an open

wound or bleeding, Bepanthen antiseptic ointment can be applied, or Duoderm patches for

single open wounds (see below). Avoid using sunscreen until day 2.



Avoid going outdoors, alcohol, spicy foods and exercise. Avoid wearing makeup, and

when using makeup again, ensure any product and/or brush used is sterile.



Avoid going outdoors, alcohol, spicy foods and exercise. Avoid wearing makeup, and

when using makeup again, ensure any product and/or brush used is sterile.



Avoid any direct contact with pets, unclean surfaces (e.g. pillowcases, towels), until

the skin healing/sloughing process is complete. Avoid picking, rubbing, scratching or

exfoliating the treatment area. 



Avoid any prescription or cosmeceutical grade products (AHAs, BHAs, Vitamin C,

Retinol). Avoid any direct sun exposure, and make sure to wear physical protection and

wear sunscreen when outdoors.



Avoid any other professional cosmetic treatments until you are cleared by your


Please apply sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 50 whenever going outdoors. Reapply every

2-3hrs thereafter.

Immediately after treatment, and for 2-3 days after, applying any product may result in a

burning/stinging sensation, and slight bleeding. This is normal, and should subside with time.

Vaseline and/or saline soaks can help with the discomfort.

Saline soaks: soak gauze in saline or sterile water and apply to the area that was

treated. Keep the gauze on skin, which will allow the tissue to cool down for 5-10

minutes. Apply Bepanthen ointment or Vaseline to the treated area for a protective barrier

and optimal healing.

Depending on the strength of the treatment, the downtime for this treatment can vary. The

skin healing/sloughing process should be complete within 1-2 weeks, after which slight


redness and sensitivity is common. This can continue for up to 4-6 weeks post treatment for

a stronger treatment.

Itching may occur several days after treatment, and may be more pronounced after 4-5

days. This is normal and should subside after 1 week.

When using Duoderm patches post treatment, apply a fresh patch every two days, and

reapply until 7-10 days post treatment until the wound seems to have healed but is still pink.

Do not exceed 10 days.

Before and after