Cellulite and Excess Fat
Cellulite &
Excess Fat
Build up of fat cells that is hard to reduce in targeted areas through exercise and diet. Cellulite is dimpled, bumpy looking skin and looks more obvious when you pinch or fold the skin. Cellulite is commonly seen on buttocks and thighs, the uneven, lumpy skin make your skin look not smooth and seems loose. Excess buildup of fat and cellulite can cause your body seem unshaped and your figure lacking contour, your skin also starts to become less firm.
What causes this concern?
After loosing a significant amount of weight, you may see your skin appear as wrinkled or dimpled as a result. Skin can also become loose and not as tight as a result, or due to pregnancy, it may also cause skin to appear with stretch mark and loos its elasticity.
Due to stress, diet, lack of exercising etc it can lead to buildup of fat, causing skin looking loose and lack of contouring and shape.

Cellulite / Wrinkled Skin
This can often seen on areas such as thighs, abdomen, buttocks hips and arm. This normally appears when theres an accumulative of fatcells and cellulite, it gets pushed up against the skin, creating uneven surface.

Loose Skin
Both overweight and after you loose extreme amount of weight can cause skin to sag and become loose. It is important to take care and train the body so the skin can become more tightened and contoured.

Stretch Marks
This happens when theres you theres a significant stretch or shrink impact to the skin, i,e pregnancy and weight gain/loss. Stretch marks are like scarring to the skin and permanent, it is hard to get rid of without proper treatment.

Lack of Contour
When you start to develop cellulite or buildup of excess fatcells, you may start to see your face/body starting to lose its contour and shape. The skin may appear more inelastic.
Cellulite & Excess Fat treatments
What our
clients say

Because here is so popular, you have to make an appointment half a month in advance! Because I have eaten too much recently, so I want to try the advance muscle training tech. I’ll recommend for those do regular workouts, you can feel the contraction power and training strength of this treatment!
Yui D

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